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catonmarz's Twitch profile picture

Average stream length

length might be incorrect for small channels
Month Length
Feb 2025 6h 27m
Mar 2025 7h 38m

Viewers statistics of catonmarz Twitch channel

*does not display points having less than 80 viewers, date and time are in UTC.

Followers stats of catonmarz Twitch channel

catonmarz's most watched games

*shows data over the selected period of time
# Game Peak viewers Time
1 Rogue: Genesia's game picture on Twitch Rogue: Genesia 1135 Mar 11 14:00
2 Hearts of Iron IV's game picture on Twitch Hearts of Iron IV 1009 Mar 09 15:30
3 Odinfall's game picture on Twitch Odinfall 394 Mar 13 14:00
4 Everhood 2's game picture on Twitch Everhood 2 304 Mar 07 13:45
5 Monster Hunter Wilds's game picture on Twitch Monster Hunter Wilds 221 Mar 08 15:00
6 HELLDIVERS 2's game picture on Twitch HELLDIVERS 2 163 Mar 13 08:15

catonmarz channel ranking by viewers

*channels with a small number of viewers are not included
Rank Number of channels* Viewers Top % Period Metric
6323 165945 403 3.81 % Last week By average viewers
3076 165945 1688 1.854 % Last week By peak viewers
14292 297809 307 4.799 % Last month By average viewers
6602 302154 1688 2.185 % Last month By peak viewers

catonmarz channel has 31673 followers and

  • has gained 43 (0.0014%) followers in the last week
  • has gained 112 (0.0035%) followers in the last month

catonmarz usually streams with the following tags

Vibing SomeSortOfBigDudePile JustSmashEmAllTogether SoManyDudesOnDudes English AlsoIBetTheBookShield ComboIsGonnaPopOff EveryoneGetsToLive ForDayssss Like40ScienceDay10 KindaGigaCheating TheyThinkIDontKnow ButOhIKnowGame DropsEnabled HelpAintComingThough YouBetterGetReady ToTurtleUpAndPrayBoyo AsWithMostThings ThePathOfLeastResistance InvolvesTurningOffBrain AndTurningOnFist ExistingIsAGreatCrime DependingOnWhoYouAre AndWhatYouAreDoing AndIfYouAreHawaii Apparently IfIndianaJones HadCarrierGroups AndThousandsOfTanks TwasAPowerfulStink HeldOffCountlessMen SavedTheCity ButAtWhatCost SomeDaysYouJustWakeUp AndCraveIncredible LevelsOfViolence AndLaughing IfCharlyHadntLoseTheWar IWouldntHaveToCleanThisUp BUTIDO ThanksCHARLES BetHeBeenGettingComfy WatchingMeSlapChronos Like5000Times HeIsNotEntirelyFair ButWhenYouGetToBe OneHundredStoriesTall YouDecideWhatIsFair ThatMetaphorCanExtend ToALotOfThings ButLetsKeepItToHades ForTheDay AlsoMedieval MurderQWOP KindaGoesHardAsAName IfTheyWannaRebrand OrItReallyIsJustHorrible AndIMustMuckThroughIt OnePainfulMoment AtATime CanYouOutFlailAGOD TheGodOfTheStreet OfTheSesame PrettySureItIsJust APatOnTheBack AndASeeYouNextTime CouldJustNotPutItOn ThatDifficulty ButWhereIsTheFunInThat ThereWasSurely SomeMedievalRuler FortunatelySoFar TheBuildsIRemember AreSoHilariouslyBroken IDidntHaveTo AsFarAsNamingPatchesGoes ThatOneSeemsPromising AssumingItDoes WhatItSaysItDoes NotInLowRankThough OnlyPsychosGrindLowRank BeatTheGameWithGLProb THENWeGrind ViewerRewards WasWorriedWeWouldnt FinishTheGame SoWeCouldMoveOn ToPlayingTheGame FarmingPlates ThisParalysisCB IsKindaGoingNuts OnAllOfThisPoorMonsters TheyHeldTheirHandsOut BeggingCatForACrumb OfRoguelike AndHeWasGenerous AndGaveItToThem DontTellTheGameIWantIt IfItDoesntKnow ItCantHurtMeAnymore AlsoIfImBeingReal ImOutOfThingsIWant ToPlay AndSlightlyBurnedOut SoLetItHappen ShouldaWonThatFirstOne ButSometimesYouJust ForgetToDodge CommonProblem NowGiveThatPandaAKatana ThoughToBeClear IHaveAbsolutely NoUnderstanding OfWhatIShouldBeDoing InThis HonestlyAtThisPoint TheEuphemismIs SoManyLayersDeep ThatIDunnoWhereItStarts AndWhereItEnds ButYouKnowWarChangesMen SoWhoKnowsMightCompromise OnAFewOfThem UnfortunatelyThisIsHell SoWeNeedToDealWithLife AsItComesToUs HeIsGoingToWin HeHasNoShameAtAll ImStillGettingThere NeverWantedToLearn WhyMakeAStat ThatDoesntKillPeople SeemsWeird AndNotALotOfAnythingElse WeJustNeedToGet AGiantAxeAndAFewMods AndMyLoyalRifle AndAMoose Vtuber ItsAlwaysFunHaving MoreGameKnowledge ThanTheEntireWiki BecauseThereIsNoWiki CheckmateInternet ItIsImportantToRemember WhoYouAreWhen BuildingYourWands SoYouKnowWhatToExpect NamelySawblades NowTheRealQuestion HowManyActiveProjectiles CanIHaveOnTheScreen BeforeICrash UnfortunatelyIDunno IfICanStopScrewing AroundLongEnough ToSeeThatBoss CourageTheCowardlyDog StillFindsWaysToRemain RelevantEven InTheModernAge NotEvenSureIfYouJump InThisGameAtAll ButIdLikeToImagineYouCan AndICanSpamIt IfiCantPunchIt IllThrowPaperAtIt

catonmarz's languages


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