Current top channels

akarindao's game picture on Twitch
24869 viewers
fanum's game picture on Twitch
17854 viewers
vspo_official's game picture on Twitch
15216 viewers
yuuri22's game picture on Twitch
14683 viewers
clutch_fii's game picture on Twitch
13050 viewers

Current top games

Just Chatting's game picture on Twitch Just Chatting

211937 viewers

Assassin's Creed Shadows's game picture on Twitch Assassin's Creed Shadows

46644 viewers

Counter-Strike's game picture on Twitch Counter-Strike

46079 viewers

League of Legends's game picture on Twitch League of Legends

45114 viewers

Grand Theft Auto V's game picture on Twitch Grand Theft Auto V

43120 viewers

depressedantisocial's Twitch profile picture

Average stream length

length might be incorrect for small channels
Month Length
Mar 2025 0h 0m

Viewers statistics of depressedantisocial Twitch channel

*does not display points having less than 80 viewers, date and time are in UTC.

Followers stats of depressedantisocial Twitch channel

depressedantisocial's most watched games

*shows data over the selected period of time
# Game Peak viewers Time
1 Just Chatting's game picture on Twitch Just Chatting 827 Mar 09 16:00

depressedantisocial channel has 37 followers and

  • has lost 0 (0.0000%) followers in the last week
  • has lost 0 (0.0000%) followers in the last month

depressedantisocial usually streams with the following tags

Русский Anime саторугоджо dota deadlock wraith

depressedantisocial's languages


Pictures from depressedantisocial's streams

Channels with a similar average number of viewers

*shows data over the selected period of time
Channel Avg. viewers
junkman_5555's game picture on Twitch junkman_5555 880
companyofheroes's game picture on Twitch companyofheroes 875
hodlorrekt's game picture on Twitch hodlorrekt 846
littleaznchat's game picture on Twitch littleaznchat 832
partychip's game picture on Twitch partychip 821
saintontas's game picture on Twitch saintontas 749
mtunakang's game picture on Twitch mtunakang 747