Current top channels

kaicenat's game picture on Twitch
135283 viewers
caseoh_'s game picture on Twitch
55343 viewers
plaqueboymax's game picture on Twitch
45313 viewers
rollingloud's game picture on Twitch
37491 viewers
jynxzi's game picture on Twitch
26922 viewers

Current top games

Just Chatting's game picture on Twitch Just Chatting

406454 viewers

Marvel Rivals's game picture on Twitch Marvel Rivals

63494 viewers

Grand Theft Auto V's game picture on Twitch Grand Theft Auto V

62355 viewers

Music's game picture on Twitch Music

62286 viewers

Games + Demos's game picture on Twitch Games + Demos

61391 viewers

gokhanoner's Twitch profile picture

Average stream length

length might be incorrect for small channels
Month Length
Mar 2025 0h 30m

Viewers statistics of gokhanoner Twitch channel

*does not display points having less than 80 viewers, date and time are in UTC.

Followers stats of gokhanoner Twitch channel

gokhanoner's most watched games

*shows data over the selected period of time
# Game Peak viewers Time
1 Just Chatting's game picture on Twitch Just Chatting 258 Mar 15 21:00

gokhanoner channel ranking by viewers

*channels with a small number of viewers are not included
Rank Number of channels* Viewers Top % Period Metric
10409 154141 225 6.753 % Last week By average viewers
16940 154141 258 10.99 % Last week By peak viewers
19526 299427 225 6.521 % Last month By average viewers
39042 303431 258 12.867 % Last month By peak viewers

gokhanoner channel has 373325 followers and

  • has lost 0 (0.0000%) followers in the last week
  • has lost 0 (0.0000%) followers in the last month

gokhanoner usually streams with the following tags

Türkçe Fishing English gaming Outdoors IRL

gokhanoner's languages


Pictures from gokhanoner's streams

Channels with a similar average number of viewers

*shows data over the selected period of time
Channel Avg. viewers
blanxz's game picture on Twitch blanxz 277
lvs_til's game picture on Twitch lvs_til 266
qoo_ch's game picture on Twitch qoo_ch 263
manndyl's game picture on Twitch manndyl 257
kokola's game picture on Twitch kokola 247
usah0le's game picture on Twitch usah0le 244
s3334n's game picture on Twitch s3334n 235