Current top channels

kaicenat's game picture on Twitch
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Current top games

Just Chatting's game picture on Twitch Just Chatting

473939 viewers

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70266 viewers

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68262 viewers

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63270 viewers

Music's game picture on Twitch Music

61310 viewers

p4rkzx's Twitch profile picture

Average stream length

length might be incorrect for small channels
Month Length
Feb 2025 1h 0m

Viewers statistics of p4rkzx Twitch channel

*does not display points having less than 80 viewers, date and time are in UTC.

Followers stats of p4rkzx Twitch channel

p4rkzx's most watched games

*shows data over the selected period of time
# Game Peak viewers Time
1 Just Chatting's game picture on Twitch Just Chatting 210 Feb 27 15:30

p4rkzx channel has 1400 followers and

  • has lost 1 (-0.0007%) followers in the last week
  • has lost 2 (-0.0014%) followers in the last month

p4rkzx usually streams with the following tags

Português chill GTAⅤ AMA Jogadacasual Papomusical GTARP

p4rkzx's languages


Channels with a similar average number of viewers

*shows data over the selected period of time
Channel Avg. viewers
canerkrd's game picture on Twitch canerkrd 197
lavalenb's game picture on Twitch lavalenb 193
dsln's game picture on Twitch dsln 180
grizzle's game picture on Twitch grizzle 178
pemalex's game picture on Twitch pemalex 177
did0us's game picture on Twitch did0us 168
cana's game picture on Twitch cana 167