Current top channels

eslcs's game picture on Twitch
52257 viewers
buster's game picture on Twitch
47659 viewers
dota2_paragon_ru's game picture on Twitch
38994 viewers
timthetatman's game picture on Twitch
38978 viewers
echo_esports's game picture on Twitch
38280 viewers

Current top games

Just Chatting's game picture on Twitch Just Chatting

594488 viewers

Counter-Strike's game picture on Twitch Counter-Strike

268635 viewers

Dota 2's game picture on Twitch Dota 2

159368 viewers

Grand Theft Auto V's game picture on Twitch Grand Theft Auto V

142864 viewers

World of Warcraft's game picture on Twitch World of Warcraft

129191 viewers

ryderxdantino's Twitch profile picture

Average stream length

length might be incorrect for small channels
Month Length
Feb 2025 0h 30m
Mar 2025 0h 52m

Viewers statistics of ryderxdantino Twitch channel

*does not display points having less than 80 viewers, date and time are in UTC.

Followers stats of ryderxdantino Twitch channel

ryderxdantino's most watched games

*shows data over the selected period of time
# Game Peak viewers Time
1 Just Chatting's game picture on Twitch Just Chatting 213 Mar 05 09:45

ryderxdantino channel ranking by viewers

*channels with a small number of viewers are not included
Rank Number of channels* Viewers Top % Period Metric
42396 153634 53 27.595 % Last week By average viewers
35308 153634 113 22.982 % Last week By peak viewers
86338 292738 48 29.493 % Last month By average viewers
44181 292738 213 15.092 % Last month By peak viewers

ryderxdantino channel has 1513 followers and

  • has gained 123 (0.0885%) followers in the last week
  • has gained 637 (0.7272%) followers in the last month

ryderxdantino usually streams with the following tags

English ADHD bald HairlineReceeding goldcoast Australia Fortnite

ryderxdantino's languages


Pictures from ryderxdantino's streams

Channels with a similar average number of viewers

*shows data over the selected period of time
Channel Avg. viewers
ticanuk's game picture on Twitch ticanuk 142
olpapi's game picture on Twitch olpapi 137
killbrii's game picture on Twitch killbrii 136
nejevinu's game picture on Twitch nejevinu 132
moorkeen's game picture on Twitch moorkeen 131
onimizu's game picture on Twitch onimizu 125
lowearts's game picture on Twitch lowearts 123