Current top channels

caedrel's game picture on Twitch
47145 viewers
kato_junichi0817's game picture on Twitch
39974 viewers
dota2_paragon_ru's game picture on Twitch
38126 viewers
strogo's game picture on Twitch
36476 viewers

Current top games

Just Chatting's game picture on Twitch Just Chatting

418584 viewers

League of Legends's game picture on Twitch League of Legends

187164 viewers

Dota 2's game picture on Twitch Dota 2

149423 viewers

Grand Theft Auto V's game picture on Twitch Grand Theft Auto V

123566 viewers


114786 viewers

sunfamejr's Twitch profile picture

Average stream length

length might be incorrect for small channels
Month Length
Feb 2025 1h 36m
Mar 2025 0h 56m

Viewers statistics of sunfamejr Twitch channel

*does not display points having less than 80 viewers, date and time are in UTC.

Followers stats of sunfamejr Twitch channel

sunfamejr's most watched games

*shows data over the selected period of time
# Game Peak viewers Time
1 Dota 2's game picture on Twitch Dota 2 286 Mar 07 19:00

sunfamejr channel ranking by viewers

*channels with a small number of viewers are not included
Rank Number of channels* Viewers Top % Period Metric
36476 153634 62 23.742 % Last week By average viewers
15364 153634 286 10 % Last week By peak viewers
55360 292738 76 18.911 % Last month By average viewers
34606 292738 286 11.821 % Last month By peak viewers

sunfamejr channel has 19922 followers and

  • has gained 13 (0.0007%) followers in the last week
  • has gained 147 (0.0074%) followers in the last month

sunfamejr usually streams with the following tags

Русский gachi Ukraine themostbeautifuleyes Kiev

sunfamejr's languages


Pictures from sunfamejr's streams

Channels with a similar average number of viewers

*shows data over the selected period of time
Channel Avg. viewers
sinsible's game picture on Twitch sinsible 169
trulyrah's game picture on Twitch trulyrah 162
anders's game picture on Twitch anders 155
siairn's game picture on Twitch siairn 152
mrems91's game picture on Twitch mrems91 148
isymusic's game picture on Twitch isymusic 139
zclawsit's game picture on Twitch zclawsit 139