Current top channels

nasdas_off's game picture on Twitch
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paulinholokobr's game picture on Twitch
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xqc's game picture on Twitch
31165 viewers
plaqueboymax's game picture on Twitch
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Current top games

Just Chatting's game picture on Twitch Just Chatting

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League of Legends's game picture on Twitch League of Legends

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Viewers statistics of Farmer's Dynasty 2 game on Twitch

*does not display points having less than 80 viewers, date and time are in UTC.
Farmer's Dynasty 2' twitch picture
The tables below show data over the selected period of time

Top channels of Farmer's Dynasty 2 game on Twitch

# Channel Peak viewers Time
1 shonarilime's twitch channel picture shonarilime 208 Mar 17 06:00
Full list

Twitch games with a similar average number of viewers

# Game Avg. viewers
1 RIDE 5 Twitch game picture on RIDE 5 180
2 Alundra Twitch game picture on Alundra 195
3 Cam Twitch game picture on Cam 171
4 PolyZ Twitch game picture on PolyZ 239
5 UNHEIM Twitch game picture on UNHEIM 170
6 Nothing Twitch game picture on Nothing 187
7 Bully Twitch game picture on Bully 240
8 HD Poker Twitch game picture on HD Poker 185
9 Ys Seven Twitch game picture on Ys Seven 244
10 Vigor Twitch game picture on Vigor 184