Current top channels

akarindao's game picture on Twitch
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yuuri22's game picture on Twitch
14683 viewers
clutch_fii's game picture on Twitch
13050 viewers

Current top games

Just Chatting's game picture on Twitch Just Chatting

211937 viewers

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46644 viewers

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46079 viewers

League of Legends's game picture on Twitch League of Legends

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Grand Theft Auto V's game picture on Twitch Grand Theft Auto V

43120 viewers

Viewers statistics of POSTAL: Brain Damaged game on Twitch

*does not display points having less than 80 viewers, date and time are in UTC.
POSTAL: Brain Damaged' twitch picture

POSTAL: Brain Damaged ranking by viewers

Rank Out of # games Top % Viewers Period Metric
5595 13325 41.989 % 5 Yesterday Average viewers
6124 13325 45.959 % 9 Yesterday Peak viewers
4729 28757 16.445 % 19 Last week Average viewers
4313 28757 14.998 % 112 Last week Peak viewers
14677 46671 31.448 % 7 Last month Average viewers
8252 46671 17.681 % 112 Last month Peak viewers
The tables below show data over the selected period of time

Top channels of POSTAL: Brain Damaged game on Twitch

# Channel Peak viewers Time
1 b0xybr0wn's twitch channel picture b0xybr0wn 112 Mar 14 07:00
2 soarerv1's twitch channel picture soarerv1 49 Mar 03 04:00
3 burzumwarik's twitch channel picture burzumwarik 26 Feb 28 17:00
Full list

Twitch games with a similar average number of viewers

# Game Avg. viewers
1 Xenimus Twitch game picture on Xenimus 116
2 PlayM2M Twitch game picture on PlayM2M 107
3 GOPOGO Twitch game picture on GOPOGO 100
4 Anomalum Twitch game picture on Anomalum 110
5 Inuyasha Twitch game picture on Inuyasha 103
6 LAPIN Twitch game picture on LAPIN 104
7 TOEM Twitch game picture on TOEM 113
8 URBO Twitch game picture on URBO 102
9 Bubsy 3D Twitch game picture on Bubsy 3D 111
10 Vellum Twitch game picture on Vellum 134

Pictures from POSTAL: Brain Damaged Twitch streams