Current top channels

caedrel's game picture on Twitch
89553 viewers
tumblurr's game picture on Twitch
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ballerleague's game picture on Twitch
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evelone2004's game picture on Twitch
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Current top games

Just Chatting's game picture on Twitch Just Chatting

497921 viewers

League of Legends's game picture on Twitch League of Legends

304508 viewers

Counter-Strike's game picture on Twitch Counter-Strike

166085 viewers

Grand Theft Auto V's game picture on Twitch Grand Theft Auto V

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Kings League's game picture on Twitch Kings League

109495 viewers

Viewers statistics of Sega Superstars Tennis game on Twitch

*does not display points having less than 80 viewers, date and time are in UTC.
Sega Superstars Tennis' twitch picture

Sega Superstars Tennis ranking by viewers

Rank Out of # games Top % Viewers Period Metric
9396 27521 34.141 % 6 Last week Average viewers
10046 27521 36.503 % 17 Last week Peak viewers
7470 46918 15.921 % 20 Last month Average viewers
6346 46918 13.526 % 209 Last month Peak viewers
The tables below show data over the selected period of time

Top channels of Sega Superstars Tennis game on Twitch

# Channel Peak viewers Time
1 jachifandequeen's twitch channel picture jachifandequeen 340 Feb 14 00:00
2 thebarinade's twitch channel picture thebarinade 18 Mar 09 08:30
Full list

Twitch games with a similar average number of viewers

# Game Avg. viewers
1 Doraemon Twitch game picture on Doraemon 375
2 Coal LLC Twitch game picture on Coal LLC 289
3 Delver Twitch game picture on Delver 300
4 Bamzooki Twitch game picture on Bamzooki 319
5 Rugby 20 Twitch game picture on Rugby 20 282
6 FIFA 18 Twitch game picture on FIFA 18 367
7 HOUSE Twitch game picture on HOUSE 349
8 Yahtzee Twitch game picture on Yahtzee 275
9 PHOGS! Twitch game picture on PHOGS! 353
10 Worms 2 Twitch game picture on Worms 2 315