Current top channels

aminematue's game picture on Twitch
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zackrawrr's game picture on Twitch
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Current top games

Just Chatting's game picture on Twitch Just Chatting

665547 viewers

Kings League's game picture on Twitch Kings League

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Grand Theft Auto V's game picture on Twitch Grand Theft Auto V

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Special Events's game picture on Twitch Special Events

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The First Berserker: Khazan's game picture on Twitch The First Berserker: Khazan

105643 viewers

Viewers statistics of 'какашки' Twitch tag

*does not display points having less than 200 viewers, date and time are in UTC.

Tag ranking by the number of viewers

By the average number of viewers какашки tag has hit:

  • the 4109th place (or top 27.344%) out of 15027 tags with an average of 621 viewers.
In the last week
  • the 6903rd place (or top 23.62%) out of 29225 tags with an average of 569 viewers.

*some tags with a small number of viewers are omitted

The tables below show data over the selected period of time

Top channels of какашки Twitch tag

# Channel Peak viewers Time
1 maximka_waterfall's game picture on Twitch maximka_waterfall 959 Mar 24 14:00
2 quizzzzz_'s game picture on Twitch quizzzzz_ 4 Mar 22 14:30
3 h0lypalish's game picture on Twitch h0lypalish 2 Mar 24 14:00
4 runrundisco's game picture on Twitch runrundisco 1 Mar 24 14:00
Full list

Tags with a similar average number of viewers

# Tag Max. viewers
2 DonkeyKongCountry 729
3 caitlyn 729
4 Homem 729
5 Epileptic 729
6 небажаний 729
7 Pahathahmot 729
8 zaburzeniawzroku 729
9 RetroWeek 729