Current top channels

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Current top games

Just Chatting's game picture on Twitch Just Chatting

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Viewers statistics of Devil Inside Us: Roots of Evil game on Twitch

*does not display points having less than 80 viewers, date and time are in UTC.
Devil Inside Us: Roots of Evil' twitch picture

Devil Inside Us: Roots of Evil ranking by viewers

Rank Out of # games Top % Viewers Period Metric
6891 13325 51.715 % 3 Yesterday Average viewers
7686 13325 57.681 % 5 Yesterday Peak viewers
1883 28757 6.548 % 75 Last week Average viewers
2069 28757 7.195 % 494 Last week Peak viewers
4131 46671 8.851 % 45 Last month Average viewers
4365 46671 9.353 % 494 Last month Peak viewers
The tables below show data over the selected period of time

Top channels of Devil Inside Us: Roots of Evil game on Twitch

# Channel Peak viewers Time
1 kyriocifer's twitch channel picture kyriocifer 500 Mar 14 18:00
2 savehymn's twitch channel picture savehymn 193 Feb 24 02:00
Full list

Twitch games with a similar average number of viewers

# Game Avg. viewers
1 Coal LLC Twitch game picture on Coal LLC 289
2 Trivia Twitch game picture on Trivia 412
3 Delver Twitch game picture on Delver 300
4 Bamzooki Twitch game picture on Bamzooki 319
5 Rugby 20 Twitch game picture on Rugby 20 282
6 HOUSE Twitch game picture on HOUSE 387
7 Bully Twitch game picture on Bully 353
8 REVEIL Twitch game picture on REVEIL 403
9 Worms 2 Twitch game picture on Worms 2 315
10 Dark War Twitch game picture on Dark War 360