Current top channels

loud_coringa's game picture on Twitch
85118 viewers
gabepeixe's game picture on Twitch
45271 viewers
jynxzi's game picture on Twitch
37262 viewers
paulinholokobr's game picture on Twitch
32182 viewers
hasanabi's game picture on Twitch
29332 viewers

Current top games

Just Chatting's game picture on Twitch Just Chatting

423051 viewers

Grand Theft Auto V's game picture on Twitch Grand Theft Auto V

311529 viewers

Fortnite's game picture on Twitch Fortnite

86228 viewers

Overwatch 2's game picture on Twitch Overwatch 2

72088 viewers

League of Legends's game picture on Twitch League of Legends

70920 viewers

Viewers statistics of '寝起き' Twitch tag

*does not display points having less than 200 viewers, date and time are in UTC.

Tag ranking by the number of viewers

By the average number of viewers 寝起き tag has hit:

  • the 966th place (or top 6.309%) out of 15312 tags with an average of 2015 viewers.
In the last week
  • the 3437th place (or top 12.29%) out of 27966 tags with an average of 978 viewers.

*some tags with a small number of viewers are omitted

The tables below show data over the selected period of time

Top channels of 寝起き Twitch tag

# Channel Peak viewers Time
1 crtopioxd's game picture on Twitch crtopioxd 4034 Mar 18 11:00
2 nkthat's game picture on Twitch nkthat 5 Mar 18 13:00
Full list

Tags with a similar average number of viewers

# Tag Max. viewers
1 Caseohgames 3228
2 DeltaForce 3228
3 MajesticRolePlay 3229
4 Fanfinity 3233
5 TeamUG 3233
6 гта5 3235
7 puertorico 3235
8 momblano 3235
9 zampini 3235
10 explore 3236