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Current top games

Just Chatting's game picture on Twitch Just Chatting

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Viewers statistics of 'russıan' Twitch tag

*does not display points having less than 200 viewers, date and time are in UTC.

Tag ranking by the number of viewers

By the average number of viewers russıan tag has hit:

  • the 12629th place (or top 83.349%) out of 15152 tags with an average of 230 viewers.
In the last week
  • the 22329th place (or top 81.881%) out of 27270 tags with an average of 230 viewers.

*some tags with a small number of viewers are omitted

The tables below show data over the selected period of time

Top channels of russıan Twitch tag

No data. Try to select another date range.

Tags with a similar average number of viewers

# Tag Max. viewers
1 WPTglobal 205
2 DavidLevi 205
3 трепутин 205
4 AnnaPopov 205
5 keyboardASMR 205
6 Kopfkino 205
7 betterplace 205
8 maroc 205
9 challengers 205
10 Puzzle 205